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Oh, Lissa, from the minute I heard your dad was in the hospital I have been thinking about you. I'm so happy that everything turned out ok, and I hope his recovery is thorough and QUICK! This is wonderful news!

Also: It's only 8:38 AM and I've officially burst into tears for the first time today. THANKS.

Emily Ann

your sweet, sweet daddy!!!! How I love him so. Great post mah dear.


Love and prayers from this side of the world. Glad your father is going to be ok, and glad you didn't get mooshed on the road!


OH girl that brought tears to my eyes. I'm so glad your dad is okay and the surgery went well.

Darin Dunn

Wow. Thank you for sharing. I will say a prayer of thanks to God for bringing your Dad through this... as soon as I hit "post"...


Glad to hear it is an easily remedied problem. But as someone who is currently dealing with a slowly diagnosed problem, I know how frustrating that is.


I'm so glad to hear he's ok! What a scary time for you and your mom though. You're a good daughter!


Oh, your poor sweet dad! I'm sure you want to go hatchet every stupid doctor that missed it before, and thank goodness this one found the problem in time. I'm so glad he's going to be okay!


Melissa I hope your Dad is recuping well. You're a good daughter, hang in there.

seized by hope

So glad your Dad is ok. Very scary sounding.

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