Do you every think you know the lyrics to some song and then come find out it's not at all what you were thinking? This happens to me all the time. Sometimes the singer is talking so fast I end up mumbling until I get to the chorus just to butcher that up as well, just so I can shake my butt in the car seat as I'm driving. What can I say I like to be entertained 24/7.
Last week my friend's Jenny and Kerri were emailing about music going back and forth about this and that when I made the confession that I liked the new Pussycat Dolls song When I Grow Up. (I know I know and trust me I'm embarrassed.) Jenny's first response was the one about boobs? I said huh? She kept saying you know the one where they talk about their boobs. We ended up debating the lyrics for about 10 emails going back forth until I finally looked up them up and prevailed!
The song says:
When I grow up
I wanna see the world
Drive nice cars
I wanna have groupies
Jenny and Kerri thought is said
When I grow up
I wanna see the world
Drive nice cars
I wanna have boobies
But this also leads me to my own mistakes when I listen to songs and I get the words wrong and like I said this happens all the time! Was it just me or did anybody else get Fergie's song Glamorous wrong? I could have sworn it said sippin' reminscing on days when I had a mustache. Um... It's when I had a mustang. Oops. I still like to sing my original version because it makes me laugh to think of Fergie with a mustache.
A couple of years ago I was in the car with a bunch of girl friends and this song came on that was pretty popular at the time because I knew all the words or so I thought. We were singing in the car and in the chorus I thought the singer said we don't like HIV get us down and I made a remark about how socially irresponsible that was and I couldn't believe they put that on the radio! My friend Alex from the back seat shouts to me its we won't let AGE get us down. Oops. I think this was a Chris Brown song and I wanted to get the lyrics just right, but I can't find it.
There is also that classic scene in 27 dresses where they are drinking a the bar singing one of Elton Johns most memorable song's Benny and Jets. He sings she's got electric boobs and she starts laughing because she knows its the wrong words. I totally thought that is what Elton had sang there for YEARS! Well come to find out it's electric boots, and you know the line right after that is, a mohair suit! You learn something new everyday!
Are there songs that you sing along to that you know you are singing the wrong words to? Don't be ashamed to let it all out. Think of it like karaoke!
We were JUST talking about this at the beach the other day!! Criiizazzzy! One of the girls, Cara was saying up until 3 years, she thought the Pearl Jam song "Better Man" was something different. She said she never understood the lyrics but thought they were a euphemism for something else. The line "she dreams in red, can't find a better man"--she thought it was "she dream of bread, can't find a butter man". Sadly, this isn't a joke. She REALLY thought this.
Posted by: Emily Ann | July 08, 2008 at 03:38 PM
I do this all the time. But I don't bother to get the right lyrics because it's embarrassing to know how wrong I was.
Posted by: slynnro | July 08, 2008 at 03:56 PM
Ok, I'm old. I admit it. But the two that stand out most for me are Bachman Turner Overdrive's "Baking Carrot Biscuits" ("Taking Care of Business") and singing along with my dad in the car when I was little to CCR..."There's a bathroom on the right!" ("There's a bad moon on the rise...")
Posted by: Carolie | July 08, 2008 at 07:06 PM
Oh, and my uncle, who went to Episcopal Academy when he was a kid thought their anthem was "Ye crystal ball, ye crystal ball" instead of "Episcopal, Episcopal..."
And don't forget the hymn about Gladly, the bear with the crossed eyes ("Gladly the cross I'd bear...")
Posted by: Carolie | July 08, 2008 at 07:07 PM
Well...I thought "Secret Agent Man" was "Secret Asian Man," and I still sing it like that. My exboyfriend used to think that song "I love rock and roll/put another dime in the jukebox, Baby!" (lame song, btw) was "I love Barney Mo..."
Who the f is Barney Mo?
But the Baking Carrot Biscuits is the best one I've ever heard.
Posted by: Jemima | July 09, 2008 at 04:44 PM
haha, we had a conversation about that Pussycat Doll's song this weekend. I can add about 5 extra people to your list that thought she couldn't wait to get boobies. The little girl my sister watches sings it that way too....I'll have to let her know. Too funny, I had no idea til I read your post!
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