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Emily Ann

love this post...i think it's ok to do either/or--move on a whim or decide you feel at home where you are. i don't think of it as settling--i think of it as growing some roots and really making a life for yourself. I think you can do that where ever/whenever. I definitely don't feel settled here in Dallas so that's why I'm leaving but of course I could get back to NY and decide I hate that too. It's all one big flippin' adventure! In short, please move back to NYC with me! I keed. I keed.


"I rent a room and I fill the spaces with wood in places to make it feel like home, but all I feel's alone. It might be a quarter life crisis or just the stirring in my soul.

Either way, I wonder sometimes about the outcome of a still verdictless life."

- John Mayer "Why Georgia"

Truer words were never spoken, uh, sung. I went through the same thing around that age (I'm 33 now) and I still sometimes go through it.

Emily Ann is right though, it's all one big flippin' adventure!


damn ! don't you just hate when you get snapped into reality!
I hated when that happened to me. One day, I woke up & I realized I was the grown up in charge of the kids, and buying groceries, and making sure we got to piano lessons on time, and that I needed to tell them they could be a veterinerian if they want to. etc etc etc.
btw- that was last year. it took me til I was 36, you my dear, are way a head in this game. ha ha
I love your blog.
you need to go to my blog and look up the "tidbits about me" section. I copied part of your biography.


I completely understand. This is not at all where I thought I'd be by this age. But who knows if I'll ever just settle where I am?


What IS IT about 27? It's the new scary age.


I just came across your blog tonight, and I laughed because I'm turning 27 this year, and struggle to find my place in the world.
You write beautifully...


We're in NYC, smack dab in Manhattan and our dreams are about our place in the Hill Country.

My daughter (and us, too) -- we want to end up in Texas.


WE love breakfast food for dinner. On easter morning we had pancakes. My husband made them and snuck in applesauce.

I caught him.

He said his grandmother used to put babyfood into her cakes. "Made them moist."

You write so much I could think of a jillion things to comment on.


That comment above? Sorry... It was supposed to go on my blog friend Miss Cellania's blog www. misscellania.com

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