So remember when I wrote this post? Yeah, that was just the beginning of my problems. So I went to the gym the other day at about 3 and apparently this is the time that the body builders work out. Seriously they could probably bench press about 3 of me... I swear some of the guys were looking at me as if they really wanted too! I was frightened. Not to mention the guy that was on the treadmill that was grunting so hard he sounding like he was barking. And then, AND THEN, the following day I was working out again (I deserve a medal) and I am on the elliptical machine and I see the back of this woman and she has a killer body. She is wearing those itty bitty workout shorts that only Heidi Klum looks good in, and she is rocking them! I immediately hate her. So naturally I start working out harder, and then she turns around and she is PREGNANT! About 6 months pregnant. I almost fell off of the machine. My hate turned to bitter rage. I am also working out where there are about 25 elliptical machines to choose from and she chooses the one next to mine. HAAAAAAAAATE.