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Emily Ann

Oh my gosh--that last picture is P-R-I-C-E-L-E-S-S. I reeeally wish I was there just to witness THAT in person. His hair looks like it could be a distant cousin to Donald Trump's. Good times. Can't wait to see your Halloween pics!!!


hey melissa, i am posting and it isn't about the gilmore girls! those pics are great! i saved a couple of them. i think the auction would be a wonderful idea. but, what do you do when that guy in the last pic wins your bid? trouble!


"Amy had some champagne too, which got her to let loose on the dance floor"

Just to set the record straight, I had no champagne, that is just how I act. That is normal Amy, and anyone who knows me, knows that this pic of me is the tame side of Amy!! :)

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